Josef Teller OHG — P.O. Box 27 — Frankenstr. 43 — D-91088 Bubenreuth — Phone +49/9131/89560 — info@teller.de — © Neman Grafik 2013 | |
General InformationJosef Teller OHG
Liable shareholders Phone +49 / 9131 / 89560 Registered court Fürth VAT-ID no. in accordance with § 27a VAT act Responsible for content in accordance with § 55 II RStV Area of responsibilty Privacy PolicyThe security of your data is taken very seriously. The e-mail function of this website makes use of unprotected internet data structures. We are therefore unable to accept liability for the confidentiality or completeness of data transmission. When you access this website, general information such as browser type, the length of your session, accessed pages, etc. is collected. This information is only used internally for statistical purposes. We herewith explicitly object to the utilization of contact data published within the bounds of the imprint obligation by a third party for the consignment of advertisements and information, which was not specifically ordered. Disclaimer/Liability noteThe content of this website has been carefully checked and created in all conscience.
The charts of the bridges and musical instruments parts represent illustrating charts which can neither show the exact size of the originals nor their exact appearence. On the one hand, the presentation varies depending on the media and setting in use; and, on the other, material deviations and the application of manual labour lead to an individualization of our products. In accordance with § 7, chapter 1 TMG, and according to general law,
we as the provider of this website are responsible for our own content in these pages.
According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we cannot be held liable and are not responsible for checking transmitted and stored information from third parties
or searching for details pointing to illegal activity. Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of information in accordance
with legal regulations remain unaffected. We take no respective liability until a possible infringement is known to us.
In regards to the references (Hyperlinks) on the pages of our internet services, we emphasise that we have no influence on the linktext,
design, possible infringement of rights in place, or on title rights, brand rights and contents of the linked sites.
The fact that the links contravene neither ethics nor legislation was carefully checked before they were included here.
Copyright and usageThe contents and products (texts, pictures, charts, animations etc.) of these pages are subject to German copyright and other laws
that protect intellectual property. Any reproduction, processing, distribution, and any kind of use beyond the limits of copyright require
a written consent by the Josef Teller OHG or the respective owner. Patent violationIf you conclude that this website violates one of your patents, please inform us immediately by email in order to quickly take remedial action.
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